6 Jul 2020 by Vicky Mannix

Juniors are required to wear a facemask to defend short corners.

The club has provided masks for players to use for this requirement. As you can imagine, this provides a challenge in a C-19 era.

Below is the expert from a HV Forum that stipulated the new rules around usage of Club Owned masks.

Facemasks (Juniors)
*This is a unique aspect of our game. For juniors, all players have to wear a face mask during defensive short corners.
*Facemasks will need to be allocated to players for each match (ideally each player to have their own mask).
*Under no circumstance will players be able to share masks.
*Clearly label masks to indicate who wears that mask (i.e. player A wears the one with blue tape, player B the one with red).
*There will be a requirement to have a minimum of 5 masks that must be cleaned and sanitized after each game.
*Should a team not have enough players with a mask on the pitch for the short corner, the umpire will allow the time for a player with a mask to come on the field.
*Play will then resume allowing the short corner to proceed.
*Players interchanged on for the Short Corner stay on the field after the corner has been played out.
*Responsibility of clubs and individuals to ensure that players don’t share masks.

The Club has purchased an extra 10 masks to add to the stockpile we already had, to be able to offer the 5 masks per team.

The masks will be kept in separate colored bags with a corresponding roll of colored electrical tape. Red, White, Blue, Black and Yellow. The electrical tape is to be applied to the mask and then also to the players stick, to signify to the umpire the correct player is using the correct mask.

There will be a packet of antibacterial wipes in the Team Managers kits and it will be the team managers responsibility to wipe the masks clean after each game.

Players that have their own masks are to mark their masks with a tape that is different to the Red, White, Blue, Black and Yellow, and they must also mark their sticks with their corresponding tape.

There is to be absolutely no sharing of personal masks.

I thank everyone for their cooperation in this rule change.

Thanks everyone!

Mel Sanders
Junior Director

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